Week 32 of Pregnancy 6

Week 32 of Pregnancy 6

Week 32 of Pregnancy 6

This week, we had a lot of good shit going on.

I had another appointment with the OB as well as another follow up ultrasound.

I was looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time. I was hoping little miss was back down to measuring a normal size as opposed to the 86th percentile that she was in Week 28.

Basically for the whole appointment, she was not cooperating. I hope that is zero indication of what type of child she will be. I already have two difficult girls at home, I’m ready for my laid back child 🙂

She had a good heartbeat. She was snoozing most of the time. And her face was to my back. She never showed her face not one single time. Little shit. The ultrasound tech was able to get all of the measurements and said she was back down to the 55th percentile. A sigh of relief. Beyond that, everything else looked good. Another sigh of relief. Now she just needed to stay that way.

More good shit…Scott and I have decided that our parenting style is similar to ripping a band aid off.

How so?

When we decide we are going to do something, we stick to it, and do it the best we can. Even if it’s something uncomfortable, we do what we need to do to make it happen. If there is one thing that Scott and I almost always agree on, it’s the way we parent our kids. I am so thankful for that.

We have been talking for a while about what we were going to do with our 3 bedroom house and 5 individuals. Obviously Scott and I sleep together. Raelynn has her own room and Briar has her own room and now we are going to introduce Jolee into the mix. We both understand she doesn’t need a room right away, but she will eventually.

We decided that Raelynn and Briar were going to share a room. And when we decided, we just made it happen.

Scott said on a Sunday night, “Hey, I’m ready to move Briar’s bed (still in a crib) into Raelynn’s room and try it out.”

To that I said, “Alright, let’s do it.”

I knew it was not going to be comfortable, or pleasant, but I knew it had to be done. Kind of like ripping a band aid off.

For the moment, Raelynn’s night waking has stopped and I was worried if they started sharing a room, Briar would wake her up again.

As per usual, I envisioned all of the worst case scenarios…

OMG they are going to be up all night. OMG it’s going to take them forever to fall asleep. OMG what if they wake up in the middle of the night? OMG what the fuck are we doing with our lives?

Also, as per usual, it didn’t go as bad as I anticipated.

It took them about 2 hours to fall asleep because they were excited to be sharing a room. But, when they actually went to sleep, they stayed asleep until it was time to wake up the next day.

The first night was the worst as far as them taking forever to go to sleep for the night. For the rest of the week, it took them about an hour to go to sleep, but they stayed asleep. They are, however, waking up earlier in the morning than I would like. Especially on the weekends.

Just when I was getting my sleep back from Raelynn’s night waking, now they are waking up early. It kills my soul, especially on the weekends. I used to have to wake them up at 8:00 a.m. every morning. Now they are waking me up around 6:30 a.m. During the week it’s okay because we have to get up and get ready for the day, but on the weekend, I would like that extra hour and a half.

I guess, I can’t have my cake and eat it too :/

CrossFit Week 32 of Pregnancy

Monday, March 11
1×5 @ 45%
1×5 @ 55%
1×4 @ 65%
1×3 @ 75%
4×3 @ 82% = ENDED AT 195#

10 rounds
10 KB swings
10 knees to 90
2 scaled rope climbs

My time was 18:00.

Saturday, March 16
CrossFit Open 19.4
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees

My score was 106 reps. Did snatches at RX weight of 65#, stepped into and out of burpees, did ring rows instead of muscle ups.

crossfit open 19.4

crossfit open 19.4