Week 5 of Pregnancy 6

Week 5 of Pregnancy 6

Week 5 of Pregnancy 6

Another week…and I’m still pregnant.

I honestly can’t believe it.

But I’m happy.

This week I had to go to the doctor at some point and follow up again with my HCG levels. I was at the doctor Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last week…so, the last place I wanted to be was this damn doctor’s office again. I pushed it off as far as I could and went on Thursday. I didn’t expect to hear anything until Monday, which was fine.

But, the first thing Friday morning, my phone was ringing and it was the OB office. I took a deep breath and answered the phone. The nurse proceeded to tell me that my levels were now 4000+.


My mind is literally blown. Here I go from expecting the absolute worst because I started bleeding the very same day I got my positive pregnancy tests, to now possibly having a viable pregnancy.

My mind was racing. My thoughts were out of control. My anxiety was full force.

Were we really about to do this? Were we really about to have another baby?

Apparently so…

I proceeded to ask the nurse some questions that I was sure she didn’t have an answer to, but I wanted to gauge a response from her.

Me – “So, for now, this appears to be a viable pregnancy. I know you are not a doctor, but how many successful pregnancies have you saw, or heard about with the condition I have; the biocornuate uterus with the septum?”

Nurse – “Honey, you have had successful pregnancies!”

Me – “Yea, but not with this condition.”

Nurse – “You don’t just develop this condition overnight, this is something you are born with.”

Me – “Excuse me, WHAT?”

Nurse – “Yes, this condition doesn’t just happen…it…”


Nurse – “Everything I know of this condition suggests otherwise…”

ME TRYING NOT TO COME UNGLUED (not at the nurse, just in general) – “Okay, thank you ma’am.”


I had never brought it up and I guess I just didn’t really think twice about it, but all of the literature that I’ve read about a septate uterus suggests that you are born with it. It’s, quite literally, a birth defect. While you are in the womb, your uterus just doesn’t fuse together all the way. Simple as that. Most woman that want to reproduce end up discovering this after reoccuring miscarriages.

I thought my mind was racing before….now this?!?

I immediately called Scott and explained everything to him. He said, “Well, this could really explain all the past pregnancies, failed and successful.” The miscarriages could be a direct result of the baby implanting on the septum. With the successful pregnancies, I delivered a little early with both. My uterus wasn’t big enough to support a full term pregnancy because it’s split in half. Both of our minds were churning at this point.

This didn’t make it any easier, because we would never know for sure, but it was an interesting thought.

So, now what?

The nurse told me to schedule an OB visit with an ultrasound. September 26th at 10 a.m.

A very long 2 1/2 week wait.

In the meantime, the nurse prescribed progesterone suppositories. This will be the third pregnancy that I’ve been on them. I just insert them at night right before I go to bed and they dissolve overnight.

Low progesterone is the leading cause of miscarriages. It’s an essential hormone to make your baby “stick”.  I have actually never been tested, nor have I been told that I have low progesterone, I just think it’s an easy fix given my past history of miscarriages.

All of this happened on Friday, September 7. That same day, I actually started to have a little bit of pregnancy symptoms. My boobs were hurting a little and I was just feeling off. Not terrible, just off.

This made me even more excited.

With all of the miscarriages, I never had any pregnancy symptoms and I just knew something wasn’t right. The moment I started having pregnancy symptoms, they were a welcome sign.

First Trimester CrossFit

Sunday, September 2
Worked out at home
Back Squat
1×5 @ 45% = 105#
1×4 @ 55% = 130#
1×3 @ 65% = 155#
2×2 @ 75% = 175# – had to wear belt – felt so so so heavy
2×1 @ 85% = 200# – nope…scaled back to 195#
3×1 @ 92% = 215# – nope…scaled back to 200#

Based off my max of 235# which I have no idea how it’s my max. I can’t come anywhere near this.

Power Snatch + OHS
1x(2+2) @ 50% = 55#
1x(2+2) @ 60% = 60#
1x(2+2) @ 70% = 70#
3×1 @ 75% = 75#
2×1 @ 82% = 85#

These felt okay. Continuing to work on snatch start position and pull.

Tuesday, September 4
Power Clean
1×2 @ 55% = 85#
1×2 @ 65% = 100#
1×2 @ 70% = 105#
2×2 @ 75% = 115#
5×2 @ 80% = 120#

Felt heavy, but I completed all lifts

18 Min AMRAP
30 DU
10 Hang Cleans 75#
15 Cal Row

Score was  3+48

Did HSPU with a 45# plate, a 15# plate, and an abmat.

Wednesday, September 5
Back Squat
1×5 @ 45% = 105#
1×4 @ 55% = 130#
1×3 @ 65% = 155#
1×3 @ 70% = 165#
2×3 @ 75% = 175#
4×3 @ 83% = 195# – nope…scaled back to 175#


20 alt KB Snatches 25#
20 box jump overs – 20 inch box
20 wall balls – 14#
20 med ball side throws – 14#

I have no idea what my time was. But this was absolutely terrible.

Thursday, September 6
Metcon 1
3x1000m row
2 min rest in between each 1000 meter
Time was 18:18

Metcon 2
25 min AMRAP
16 step ups w/ 35# KB
4 laps of farmer carries – 35# KB in each hand
8 burpee hurdle jumps – stupid
Score was 5+2

Skill Work
10 min EMOM – 3 consecutive DU’s
10×4 Handstand holds

Friday, September 7
Deadlift as % of clean max
1×5 @ 50% = 75#
1×5 @ 60% = 90#
1×5 @ 70% = 105#
4×5 @ 80% = 120#

Skill Work
Bent over row 6×8 @ 65#
10 min EMOM – 3 seated rope hooks

18 min AMRAP
2 rope climbs
10 S2OH w/ 2 dumbells – 30#
6 sandbag cleans

I modified rope climbs because I just started getting them. I maybe did 2 full climbs and the rest were hooks. Continue to modified TTB to help me string them together.

Score was 5+1