Week 4 of Pregnancy 6

Week 4 of Pregnancy 6

Week 4 of Pregnancy 6

Here we are again. Week 4.

In my last post, You Ever Have An “OH SHIT” Moment?, you read that I was unexpectedly pregnant again.

And it was already looking bad.

Whenever I went to the doctor on Wednesday, they did a quick blood draw to test my HCG levels. They were convinced and I was convinced that my pregnancy was already heading south based on the symptoms I was experiencing. I wouldn’t know the results until Thursday.

My bleeding on Wednesday was slim to none. I was surprised about this. But, obviously, happy.

Then, Wednesday night, I started to feel off. My head was hurting, my stomach started hurting, my lower back was hurting, my neck was really stiff. It was weird. I ended up going to bed early and I couldn’t really settle myself. When Scott came to bed he commented that he was surprised I wasn’t asleep yet. It was about that time I knew I was going to vomit.

OMG, I exorcist vomited.

I brushed my teeth and tried to lay down and go back to bed. I was so shaky afterwards. That happened 2 more times that night. Around 2:00 a.m. I was finally able to settle myself and go to sleep.

I knew it was too early for pregnancy symptoms. I was barely 4 weeks. I contributed it to a bug and hoped I would wake up the next day feeling better.


I woke up and felt terrible, but no vomiting. I took my time getting ready. I made it to work around 8:30 a.m., which is late for me, only to turn around and go home around 11:00 a.m. I had a splitting headache. I couldn’t focus. It was terrible.

Something was wrong.

Dr. Google told me I was having an ectopic pregnancy.

I immediately called the doctors office. I told them my symptoms and they wanted me to come in.

When I got there, they told me my HCG levels from yesterday was 144. This “officially” confirmed my pregnancy. My levels were in the “normal” range for how far along I was. Given my symptoms they ordered me an ultrasound to be sure. Since I was only 4 weeks along, I knew there technically wasn’t anything to see. The ultrasound was just to make sure I wasn’t having an ectopic pregnancy.

And I wasn’t. It was just my typical anxious self losing control over stupid ass symptoms.

My doctors and nurses made me feel like a real piece of shit though.

And that’s never happened. Multiple people asked me why I wasn’t on birth control. Why did I make this decision to have more kids with my uterine abnormality? If more kids were in the picture, the options had been discussed, and they basically made me feel like this was not the right option.

I was really taken back. They made me feel terrible that I was pregnant. I explained to them that I was aware of the risks and this wasn’t planned. That doesn’t make it okay, but it is what it is.

Support is what I needed right now, not scolding.

They told me that I needed to come back in the next day and get another blood draw to see if my levels had doubled. In early pregnancy, that’s what really matters. Yes, my HCG level of 144 mattered, but what the doctors like to see in early pregnancy, is your levels double within a 48-72 hour range. It proves in the beginning that everything is happening as it should. It doesn’t mean everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows forever, but in that moment, my body is doing what it’s supposed to do.

The doctor said they would get the blood results processed the same day so I wouldn’t have to wait until after the holiday weekend. I just had to get in there early.

Friday morning rolls around and I head to the doctors office to get my blood drawn again. The told me I would hear something by 1:00 p.m. that day.

I had just finished my work out and my phone was buzzing that my OB/GYN was calling. I hurriedly answered it and ran outside. She said my levels had in fact doubled to 317. I was shocked. I was already prepared for the worst. I text Scott and he was surprised too.

His exact words were, “Oh shit, so what’s next?”

What’s next is, I have to go in AGAIN next week and get another blood draw to monitor my levels. I would assume after this blood draw, depending on the outcome, they will schedule me for my first OB appointment with this pregnancy.

So, hopefully in the next week or two, I will be able to know more.

I’m hopeful, but expecting the worst.

As with other pregnancies, I want to keep weekly updates with CrossFit as well.

First Trimester CrossFit

Monday, August 27
Push Press
1×3 @ 50%- 75#
1×3 @ 60% = 85#
1×2 @ 70% = 100#
3×2 @ 80% = 115#
2×2 @ 85% = 125#

These felt good. Had to focus on pushing knees out.

Power Jerk
1×3 @ 50% = 70#
1×2 @ 60% = 85#
2×2 @ 70% = 100#
2×1 @ 74% = 105#
3×1 @ 78% = 110#

Incorporated wider stance. Seemed to help with caving knees.

Skill Work
10 min EMOM
2 HSPU negatives to floor
used 15# plate and an abmat

10 min EMOM
2 kipping pullups

Felt good – focused on keeping body tight and pointing toes

5 rounds
8 S2OH 65#
6 shuttle runs
4 strict pullups
2 minute rest
Time was 14:27

Tuesday August 28
Power Clean
1×2 @ 55% = 75#
1×2 @ 65% = 90#
1×2 @ 75% = 105#
3×2 @ 85% = 120#
2×2 @ 90% = 125#

Struggled to hit 125# last week and hit it easily today for 4 reps.

Clean Pull
4×2 @ 95% = 145#
4×1 @ 100% = 150#

Banded side steps
5×8 each side – used blue slingshot

4 rounds – 2 min AMRAP
10 Hang Cleans 65#
1 Wall Walk
1 Min Rest

Score was 6+5. Modified TTB because I am trying to focus on stringing them together and getting better shoulder control.

Friday, August 31
Dropped in at my old gym, Riverport
3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of vertical sit-ups
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of V-ups
Rest 1 minute
Reps were 207