Week 31 of Pregnancy 6

Week 31 of Pregnancy 6

Week 31 of Pregnancy 6

It’s the beginning of March. And I feel like I am getting a fresh start. For the moment, my anxiety is back in check. I have refocused. And I’m feeling normalish. Whatever normalish is these days.

I had a Self-Care Sunday this past Sunday. I went back and visited the salt cave. To refresh everyone’s memory, the salt cave is a room that you sit in and breathe in finely ground pharmaceutical grade salt. It has many benefits that include, but are not limited to easing symptoms of respiratory problems, skin problems, and mental health issues.

We all know why I went.

It’s dimly lit, but it was enough for me to relax and read a book for about 45 minutes. I was so relaxed and calm afterwards. It was just what I needed on a Sunday to start my week out good. After that, I went to a local coffee shop and worked on my blog, uninterrupted, for 3 hours. It was so nice.

I’ve been trying so hard to make time for myself. And it seems to be getting easier, which I am happy about. It’s so worth it for my mental health.

In pregnancy related news…my number 1 complaint this week is my hips.

OH EM GEE, my fucking hips. They hurt so bad. They are the worst when I get out of bed in the morning. I literally want to cry. I actually have cried a couple of times. I can’t explain the feeling to you, other than they just fucking hurt. They have been hurting the past couple of weeks, but now they are getting worse.

Scott and I are actually getting a new bed this week. We are upgrading from our 10 year old queen size mattress to a brand spanking new KING SIZE MATTRESS. I can’t even begin to explain my excitement to you. I am praying this helps my hips, but I am really unsure if it will. I think I am doomed until Jolee decides to come out.

As you can imagine, everything is getting harder with my growing belly.

The only place I can sit comfortably is our recliner at home. I feel like she is sitting so high in my ribs that I have to lean back in order to actually feel relief. I don’t remember this feeling with other pregnancies. Sitting at my computer chair at work is the worst. I feel like my bra is just digging into my stomach all day long. I normally wear a bra 24/7, but when I get home, it’s the first thing that comes off these days.

Another thing I wanted to touch on was Raelynn’s night waking.

She started night waking during week 25 of my pregnancy. We have been trying our best to nip it in the butt very quickly and I think we have succeeded. Over the course of the past 6 weeks we have tried several different things; talking to her, reassuring her that everything is okay and there is nothing to be scared of, adding more night lights, etc.

I think and I hope her night waking was a phase. In the whole grand scheme of things, 6 weeks of night waking is nothing. Over the course of the 6 weeks, I would hear her get up less and less throughout the night until it just stopped. I would ask her in the morning if she was getting up because I wasn’t sure if I just wasn’t hearing her and she said no, she wasn’t getting up. Hopefully this is another win in the books for the parents 🙂

In potty training news, Briar is doing FANTASTIC!

I honestly cannot believe it. She has taken really well to it. We are still going every 30 minutes. It’s exhausting, but I know getting her on the potty is the key. There were a couple of days in a row where she was completely dry. I was in completely shock. When even went to Kohl’s one day and she used the potty twice. She is totally blowing away my expectations. I am so happy. It’s only been a couple weeks so I am trying to remain cautiously optimistic!

CrossFit Week 31 of Pregnancy 6

Tuesday, March 5
Back Squat, 4 seconds down, 2 second pause at bottom
1×4 @ 50% = 105#
1×4 @ 60% = 110#
4×4 @ 65% = 110#

I did not go off my actual percentages. I just did what felt comfortable, which isn’t much these days. Back squats are not really a pleasantry of mine anymore.

Wall balls 14#

My time was 7:27. Modified TTB to knees above waist.

Saturday, March 9
CrossFit Open 19.3
For time:
200-ft. dumbbell front-rack lunge
50 dumbbell box step-ups
50 5-in. elevated strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. bear crawl

This workout was going to be HIGHLY modified for me and this was already the scaled version.

crossfit open 19.3

crossfit open 19.3

crossfit open 19.3

After the 200ft front rack lunges, my legs were shot. I tried to step up to a 20 inch box with no weight and I could barely do it. I asked for a 12 inch box and it was much better. So I did the dumbbell step ups to a 12 inch box. I actually made it to the strict hand stand push ups and instead of those, I did strict press with the dumbbell.

I was even featured on the Birthfit IG story!! Pretty cool!

crossfit open 19.3